6 Mistakes in Studying Portuguese

Oi, tudo bem com você?

Dani here!

I recorded this video in Minas Gerais with 6 common mistakes that many Portuguese students make when studying Portuguese. These mistakes are probably getting in the way of learning Portuguese.

These mistakes are valid for Portuguese but also for other languages ​​you learn.

This video is not about grammatical or linguistic errors, but errors in BEHAVIOR and ATTITUDES that delay your learning and do not help you one bit.

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The first very common mistake that hinders your Portuguese Fluency is when people learn things out of context, so they learn words and phrases out of a specific context.

This is very bad because afterwards it will be difficult for you to remember that word, to actually memorize and learn that word and use it in a real communication situation, so the first mistake is to learn things out of context.

Don’t do this, it gets in the way of more than help.

The second common mistake in Portuguese learning is also related to that, which is when people memorize ready-made phrases but do not understand how those phrases are created.

For example you are in a hotel, and you memorize phrases to use in this situation but you don’t you know how to conjugate these verbs very well, you don’t know very well what words you use to put together a sentence, to make a request for example, and then when you need to use that same type phrase in another context you lock, you cannot develop.

So this is the second common mistake: Decorate ready phrases without knowing how to assemble phrases!

The third mistake has to do with conjugation: Portuguese is a language that has a lot of conjugation and you don’t need to know them all but you need to know a lot of them, you need to know the basics of conjugation.

So if you want to become a Portuguese Speaker … yes! You will need to study conjugation! Don’t try to get away from it because it won’t work!

The fourth mistake of Portuguese students is not learning pronunciation, not studying how pronunciations work in Portuguese. There are many sounds that are different from English, for example, like nasal sounds, and if you just try to repeat the words without understanding how to make each syllable sound, how each letter sounds, you will not be able to pronounce other words you will not, for example, read a text and know how to pronounce it because you did not learn the specific sounds of that syllable, you just memorized the sound of loose words …

So it is a mistake not to study about pronunciation, about phonetics, about how things sound in Portuguese.


The fifth mistake has to do with not valuing small gains. If you learn a phrase, a word, this is already a gain!

This is already something new that you learned, something new that you know that you didn’t know before So many students start to study, have a basic level, but have ashamed to practice conversation, even basic conversation because they think they don’t know enough, but what I have to say is that you have to value small gains, even if you learn just one word today you are more than you knew yesterday!

So don’t expect to have Complete Fluency to start speaking, value the small gains, value what you already know!

Mistake number 6 is: don’t apply the things you learn! We spend a lot of time studying a language and then we don’t know how to communicate, we think we can’t apply it, or that there’s a lot of grammar, a lot of theory and that we can’t use this in practice in a real conversation situation.

If you travel, for example, if you are in the hotel you feel that you cannot communicate but in fact it is a lack of practice, you need to apply the things you study.

So, for example, if you learned the verb “curtir”, train that verb, put it into practice:

“eu curto a piscina”,

“eu curto um dia de sol”, 

“eu curto caminhar na grama”…

Make phrases, create situations, practice this even if it is in your own head inventing your own phrases. And so you’ll set a lot more and be able to communicate a lot faster and enjoy everything you’ve ever learned!

I hope that by recognizing these mistakes you can avoid them and improve your Portuguese more and more!

See you,

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Daniele Lima

Oi, I’m Dani, I am a native of Brazil and I teach Brazilian Portuguese to students from all over the world. Here at Brazilianing, we believe that learning Portuguese doesn't have to be difficult. Let's speak Portuguese together?