In this video you will improve your pronunciation and intonation of Portuguese with a simple pronunciation exercise.

How to pronounce Portuguese better:

Phrases seen in the video to practice and considerably improve your pronunciation and intonation in Brazilian Portuguese:

Ela fingiu que saiu e fugiu
Eu preciso disso emprestado
Ele sempre diz que eles não dizem nada
Eles correram com o carro na rua


Weekly Portuguese Classes on YouTube- Sign up for Free!

If you want to improve your Fluency in Portuguese and receive Weekly Premium Lessons see Portuguese Listening Practice audio Challenge.

They are weekly audios that you receive in Portuguese with the transcript for you to check your level of understanding and for you to be part of our Student Community.

See you, 


Participate in my next Portuguese Free Course: CLICK HERE.

Learn Portuguese with podcast HERE.

Daniele Lima

Oi, I’m Dani, I am a native of Brazil and I teach Brazilian Portuguese to students from all over the world. Here at Brazilianing, we believe that learning Portuguese doesn't have to be difficult. Let's speak Portuguese together?