Portuguese Lesson – Férias de verão

Olá, Dani here

See this Portuguese Complete Free Lesson on how to talk about the past in Portuguese telling how your last vacation was.

Improve your comprehension and pronunciation in Portuguese by listening and repeating together with a native speaker.

In this episode you will study a communication in a real context and improve your pronunciation and intonation in Portuguese by doing a speaking practice.

Check out the episode below and improve your Portuguese Speaking:

Acabei de voltar das melhores férias de verão!
Foi tão fantástico, eu nem queria que acabasse.
Passei oito dias em Porto de Galinhas, em Pernambuco.
Meus melhores amigos, Clara e Pedro, foram comigo.
Ficamos em uma pousada perto do centro, e nem era caro.
Tínhamos uma varanda com uma vista maravilhosa.
Visitamos muitos locais turísticos famosos.
Entre eles as piscinas naturais que eu amei.
Foram as melhores férias da minha vida.
Nos divertimos tanto que já estamos planejando a próxima viagem.


(as) férias: vacations
(o) verão: summer
eu nem queria que acabasse: I didn’t even want it to end
(os) amigos: friends
comigo: with me
(a) pousada: inn
caro: expensive
(a) varanda: balcony
(a) vista: sight, view
(os) locais: places
(as) piscinas: pools
melhores: best
(a) viagem: trip

If you want to improve your Fluency in Portuguese and receive Weekly Premium Lessons see Portuguese Listening Practice audio Challenge.

They are weekly audios that you receive in Portuguese with the transcript for you to check your level of understanding and for you to be part of our student community.

See you, 


Participate in my next Portuguese Free Course: CLICK HERE.

Learn Portuguese with podcast HERE.

Daniele Lima

Oi, I’m Dani, I am a native of Brazil and I teach Brazilian Portuguese to students from all over the world. Here at Brazilianing, we believe that learning Portuguese doesn't have to be difficult. Let's speak Portuguese together?