TRAVEL TO BRAZIL – 20 useful phrases in Portuguese for airports

Olá, Dani here

In this video you will learn 20 useful phrases to use at the airport when traveling to Brazil.
If you want to travel to Brazil these phrases are mandatory and necessary for survival on your trip:

The 20 phrases in Portuguese to use on your next trip to Brazil are:

1- Meu assento é na janela ou no corredor?
Is my seat in the window or in the aisle?

2- As bagagens vão para o destino final?
Do the luggage go to the final destination?

3- Eu faço uma parada no Rio de Janeiro, preciso pegar minhas bagagens lá?
I have a stopover in Rio de Janeiro, do I need to pick up my luggage there?

4- Você vai despachar alguma bagagem?
Are you checking any bags?

5- Onde é o embarque?
Where is the boarding?

6- Quando é o embarque?
When is the boarding?

7- Qual é o portão (de embarque)?
What is the (boarding) gate?

8- Que horas é o embarque?
What time is the boarding?

9- O voo está atrasado.
The flight is delayed.

10- O voo está no horário?
Is the flight on time?

11- O voo está cancelado?
Is the flight canceled?

12- Onde é a imigração?
Where is the immigration?

13- Onde é a sala de embarque?
Where is the departure lounge?

14- Que horas é o embarque desse voo?
What time is this flight boarding?

15- Você tem algo a declarar?
Do you have anything to declare?

16- Quanto tempo você vai ficar?
How long are you going to stay?

17- Qual é o motivo de sua viagem?
What’s the purpose of your visit?

18- Sua passagem e passaporte, por favor.
Your ticket and passport, please.

19- Quanto tempo vai ficar no Brasil?
How long will you stay in Brazil?

20- Qual seu destino final?
What is your final destination?

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Daniele Lima

Oi, I’m Dani, I am a native of Brazil and I teach Brazilian Portuguese to students from all over the world. Here at Brazilianing, we believe that learning Portuguese doesn't have to be difficult. Let's speak Portuguese together?