Every week, we have meetings in virtual rooms. We will see each other and talk for real, as in a face-to-face course. We will speak in Portuguese about topics that are relevant to you.
Your teacher guide, give valuable tips to improve pronunciation, show you the best vocabularies for each subject and teach expressions used by the natives.
15 days warranty – You have the right to test and only stay if you are satisfied
👎Traditional Portuguese courses:
No or little interaction
Crowded classrooms
Outdated materials
Non-personalized teaching
Passive learner - does not develop speaking skills
No progressive level assessments
Students of different levels in the same classroom
👍Português na Rotina Program:
Live interaction every week
Few students per classroom
Current day-to-day materials
Dynamic classes focused on the student's interest
Active student - practicing and improving speaking each class
Constant level assessment during classes
Students with equal or close levels who challenge themselves together
Join the Best Community of Portuguese Learners
Secure your place in this group. We don’t know when the next one will be.
Thousands of people start to study Brazilian Portuguese through books or apps, but when they need to communicate effectively they block.
What they study does not correspond to what they can talk and communicate.
Understanding Portuguese is part of the path to fluency. But it is not the only one.
You need to develop the most important thing: your speaking!
That’s why Português na Rotina prepares you to express yourself in real life.
This is not ONLY a recorded course
In most online courses, you just watch a recorded screen and have no interaction or anyone to direct you.
The experience here is completely different
The methodology has a fundamental principle: speaking another language is the ability to communicate with people in another language. There is no way to express yourself well without practicing interacting with real people. That’s why so many people study for years and years, but when it comes to speaking, they get stuck.
Reserve your spot
Stop being the person who stagnated at the intermediate level and follow a method towards fluency!
We will have classes at pre-scheduled times to have real interactions. You will receive a calendar with the timetable for all classes. Classes will take place through the Google Meet platform.
Sure! You have 15 days warranty. You can join the Program, participate in Live Classes, access our Platform and if you don’t like it, you get your investment back. Only those who are satisfied continue!
I’m Daniele Lima, a native teacher of Brazilian Portuguese. As a teacher and student of foreign languages, I know that the greatest difficulty for those who want to speak a language is not so much to understand it, but to be able to actually speak, relate to people, solve real life problems, without feeling stuck, robotic, or displaced. So, I developed a different method from the traditional ones: I brought to the classroom experience the focus on unlocking speech with conversation since the beginning of the journey.